Crystal Spheres:
They represent wholeness, integrity and unity. They have the capacity to emanate all the energy coming from the centre at once. It distributes energy on equal proportions into the environment. Crystal spheres have been carved for centuries. It may be one of the most common and important shape of all; this it’s due to its similarity with the Earth shape. Place a Crystal sphere anywhere to bring harmony and calm especially where conflicts are more likely to occur. Crystal sphere are also use for relaxation tool. They are handy for meditating and can be used in alignment with Fen Shui!

Crystal Eggs:
Crystal Eggs are representation of new beginnings, new life and new projects. They are also associated with fertility, birth and creation. Eggs have everything within themselves however they need care, warmth and patience to hatch. A Crystal Egg can remind you to take the steps need it to manifest your dreams and projects. They are handy for meditation and they can be used as a hand comforter.

Crystal Hearts:
Heart shapes Crystals symbolizes love in all meanings. Romantic, self-love, parental, brother’s love, friendship and unconditional love. They also represents compassion. Heart shaped Crystals promotes the energy of love in fullness.

Generator Crystals:
This one are quite especial. Generator Crystals can be Clear Quartz, Amethyst and Smokey Quartz. You can identify them by the 6 sides and 6 triangles at the apex all in similar sizes. These Crystals are mainly use for healing therapies. They teach us to focus, concentrate and magnify our own healing energy. Generator also intensify and direct the healer’s energy. These Crystals generates a large amount of energy. They are used to channel and ground pure healing energy.

Crystal Obelisk
They promote connection between the physical and spiritual world. It directs energy towards the sky. They have 4 sides and a pyramid like at the apex. Obelisk ask as antena to connect with the spiritual world. We inherit this shape from the Ancient Egyptians; they used to raise Obelisk in pairs at the entrance of a Temple to clear the energies coming in. You can used them to purify the energies coming in you to your home, bedroom or therapeutic room. For doing so you need a pair of Obelisk preferably from the same stone, place one of each side at the door entrance. They should act as curtain of energy purifying everything that pass through.

Crystal Points or Towers
The most common shape. If you have these Crystals at home they are purifying and recycling the energy all the time. They have many uses as to setting up an intention or direct energy through the body. For setting up an intention hold the Crystal point on your non dominant hand, think of that you want to achieve and image a bright light coming up from the tip of the tower projecting your intention towards the Universe. For directing energy through out the body. Place the Crystal on your non dominant hand pointing inwards, this is to bring energy in, it can be compassion, patience, tolerance, energy, will power, anything you wish. If what you expecting is the opposite place the Crystal pointing outwards, this can be release stress, pain, tension, anxiety, anger, sadness, anything you wish to release.

Double Terminated Crystals
This Crystal can be natural (grow in nature like that) or man-polished. The main idea of this shape is that the energy flows in and out, received and transmute. They consist in two points one on each side and no base. Double Terminated Crystal teach us that is possible to be in balance with the spiritual and physical world. Double Terminated Crystals have many uses. They can balance chakras and relieve feelings and intentions. Hold 2 Double Terminated Crystals one on each hand for at least 5 mins. It will calm and bring emotional balance. They can be great to use in people that are mentally or emotionally unbalance. They can unblock energies as well. Place it on the top or above the affected area. What is does is that creates an energy vortex that will clear and dissolve stagnant or unwanted energies.

Crystal Clusters
They are the formation of many Crystal’s points growing from 1 bed. They represent the unity and community, where every member contribute with light for a better society. Crystal Cluster are high vibration stones, they amplify and purify the energy in the environment. Try placing it on your Crown Chakra or third eye to combine logical with intuitive, or spiritual with physical world.

Merkaba star Crystals
Merkaba star Crystals represents the connection with the Merkaba field. This field contains 2 spinning stars tetrahedrons one pointing upwards and one pointing downwards in a 3 dimensional shape. Merkaba is a powerful symbol that it can take us from one dimension into the another.